Want to know the most common interview questions and answers? Here's a comprehensive list of the Top 10 Interview Questions you may be asked during the job interview. Why should we hire you? What is your greatest strength? Learn what your answer should include, what to avoid, and how to respond to tough interview questions.

We all know how overwhelming an interview can be. The key to nailing the interview is all in your preparation. Check out our interview preparation guide to help you start planning ahead. In order to feel relaxed and confident on the day, make sure that you have some well-thought out answers to impress the interviewer with. Some questions you may be able to answer on-the-spot, but there's a great benefit of thinking your answers through beforehand.
Top 10 Most Common Interview Questions Asked With Answers
What are the Top 10 Interview Questions and how should you answer them? Don't worry, after conducting thousands of interviews, we've compiled a list of the some of the most common questions asked and how you should respond to them.
1. Tell me a little about yourself.
Don't get thrown off by this question. The interviewer is looking for a general overview of your professional background before diving into the specific details of your work history. Not many employers are looking to hear about your interests outside of work, family, or hobbies. Keep it focused, professional, and of course, focused on you.
Summarize your career history and emphasize what you're good at professionally speaking - keep your answer around a minute or two.
2. Why should we hire you?
Focus on the actual job itself and how your contributions to the employer would excel the company to reach its goals. Your answer should include describing what your day-to-day work would be and what outcomes you'd be working toward accomplishing. The interviewer is looking for an enthusiastic answer and someone who is passionate about their job.
3. What is your greatest strength?
This question should be easier to answer than "What is your greatest weakness?" which we'll get into next. Talk about what sets you apart from other professionals who do the same job or how you would excel at the job.
Try to avoid generic answers like "I'm a people-person," or, "I'm very organized and detail-oriented". Instead, give a real example that shows how that's really the case.
4. What is your greatest weakness?
Never exaggerate your skills, but be confident in your strengths. The worst thing to do is to pretend you know how to do something. Instead, explain how you can be an asset to the company in which you are applying. Remember, there are other candidates wanting the same spot. At this time, yourself and the employer can learn if this role is great fit for both. Once again, be confident in your strengths. Mention and go into small detail about any skills you have related to the role. How you overcome your greatest weakness is what a potential employer wants to hear.
Avoid generic answers such as "I'm a perfectionist," which sounds disingenuous.
5. Why are you leaving or why have you left your job?
Be honest during this portion. If a company has to conduct a reference check, the true meaning of your departure will be revealed.
6. What are your salary expectations?
This can be a tricky question. Express your salary expectations with the employer, but do not turn the conversation into a bidding war.
7. Why is there a gap in your work history?
The interviewer is looking for a short explanation that is in line with the timeline for the reason for gaps in work history.
Or if you're currently unemployed the question may be phrased as, "Why did you leave your last job?"
8. Tell me about a challenging situation and how you overcame it.
Choose a work related situation with a positive outcome. This lets the employer know you are dependable during difficult times. Maybe discuss what you've struggled with at work or what hasn't come naturally and you needed to work on. Build your answer around that, but the most important part is to let the interviewer know what you've done to diminish the effect of that weakness.
9. What experience can you bring to this job from your previous role?
Explain your skills and abilities that can help you in your potential future role.
10. How do you deal with pressure at work?
Everyone deals with pressure differently, so it's okay to share this information during your interview. Make sure to remember that no matter how you deal with pressure the ultimate goal is to complete the tasks assigned.
Try to come up with something more creative than "I work best under pressure" or discuss a situation in which you overcame pressure and succeeded at your job.
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Good luck on your job interview!