TPI Staffing Blog

Heat Illness Prevention Program

Written by Lindsey | 5/15/18 8:56 PM

Beat The Heat: Summer Workplace Safety 

Discover how to prevent heat stress or heat-related illnesses and establish a complete heat safety prevention program.

Summer is here, which means the Texas heat is back in full force. Maintaining a safe workplace and promoting a heat illness prevention program is of high importance, especially for employers with non climate-controlled facilities or outdoor workspaces where employees may be vulnerable to extreme heat conditions. June is National Safety Month, read our previous blog to learn more about ways to make your workplace more safe.


Establish a Heat Illness Prevention Program

Per OSHA, employers are responsible for providing workplaces free of known safety hazards. This includes protecting workers from extreme heat. An employer with workers exposed to high temperatures should establish a complete heat illness prevention program. 


Provide Heat Safety Training

Roll out a safety prevention campaign to remind employees to be mindful of heat illness and water breaks. Provide heat safety training to workers as part of promoting and developing a safe workplace.


Signs & Notices to Display

TPI Staffing, Inc. supports the OSHA safety prevention initiative to remind employees to be mindful of heat illness and water breaks.

Water Break Reminders

We highly recommend displaying water break reminders in your facility and break rooms, available in Spanish here

Heat Illness Prevention Posters

Display heat illness prevention posters around your facility.

OSHA Quickcards

Print out copies of the OSHA Quickcard Reminder for employees to quickly access how to protect themselves from Heat Stress and other Heat-related illnesses. 



Important tips to prevent heat stress or heat-related illnesses.


  • Provide drinking water
  • Take breaks (15 or 20 minutes) to hydrate and rest in cooler areas
  • Drink lots of water (1 cup every 15 minutes)
  • Provide heat safety training to workers to recognize the symptoms of heat-related illnesses
  • Consider restructuring shifts or planning work schedules around times when the heat index is minimized
  • Display heat illness prevention posters


Additional Heat Safety Resources:

Heat Illness Prevention Training Guide- For Employers

OSHA Heat Safety Fact Sheet

Protecting Workers From Heat Stress Quick Card